Nomenclature of subassemblies on general plan

Hi all

Is there a way to create on the drawing of the main assembly, a nomenclature only of sub-assemblies (so no parts), in tabbed list and detailed numbering?

You're going to tell me, yes, just hide the unwanted lines, but here, I have like 150 lines to hide to keep only about 10...

In your 3D, you open up your subassemblies. At the level of the construction tree, choose the 3rd tab (configuration manager. These are two superimposed squares).


There you select the configuration of your assembly, right-click, properties.

In "BOM option", you have "display of child components when used as a subassembly". Select "hide".

Validated and that's it. To be done in each sub-assembly concerned


Edit: on the other hand, you have to do it for each config of your assembly .. or only for the config used in the drawing assembly. It's up to you;)



I think of a solution:

In assembly, we make an advanced selection only on the parts, see here:

Then, we select all these parts (by clicking the first one, holding SHIFT (= shift)), and clicking the last one.

Then we right-click to exclude them all from the nomenclature (holding UPDATE it seems), thanks to this option:

Note: it may also be possible to manage this thanks to the part families.

@coin37coin, thank you for your solution, it's exactly what I was looking for, I had never seen this option., thank you as well, but with this solution, the problem is that I would no longer have a bill of materials on the drawing of the subassembly, and then it becomes annoying.


No shit. I admit that I had stumbled upon it by chance at the time... These are the little Solidworks nuggets.

Like a candy in the evening in front of the TV. You think you're not hungry anymore, but there's still room for a little something ^^