Nomenclature disappears



Every time I make an assembly, I insert a bill of materials in my 3D. So far so good.

But when I reopen this assembly, my nomenclature disappears from the screen...

It is still in the tree but no longer visual.

However, it is still there (see the attached file).


Any idea of how to solve this problem?


Thank you!




I also had this problem and I think the only solution was to hide and then show the nomenclature with a right-click on it in the tree... or to make its nomencalture in the 2D.


Which version of SW?

@Lucas: I delete the nomenclature to re-insert it which allows me to have it again. I would try to hide it but it's still painful.


It's on SW2014 SP3.

it's not because you have hidden components in your assembly

and components with defects among other things your symmetry

try to repair the defects and tell us everything ;-)

@+ ;-)

In fact I just found the answer I had received by email.

This happens when you hide the annotations in the 3D display options,

Answer given:

This is a normal operation of solidworks, make an improvement request to separate the bill of materials from the annotations.


hello Jose-accessa,


You must check Show all annotations (tables, thread representations, etc.) from the View menu.



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I had the same problem, I had to hide it and reshow it.


A control + Q or B from time to time also worked.



Thank you.

Hide - Show works but it's still crazy that you have to do this to display a simple nomenclature!

As noted above, SolidWorks considers BOMs to be an annotation:

A solution would be instead of hiding or showing all the annotations, to let only the tables show, but it's a bit tedious if you want to display temporary axes, plans and sketches, etc...