Single component reference BOM


I'm here to ask for your help because I'm trying to extract a bill of materials from a SOLIDWORKS assembly that contains data tagged in " Component Reference ".

For example, my valves (single reference) have different TAGs (" RH-VM-01 ", " RH-VM-02 ",...) and I would like to have the complete list of all these TAGs in excel
But when I do the extract, the tool brings together all these valves because the same reference and only a TAG goes up instead of listing them all for me.

Do you have a solution?
Thank you in advance.


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How do you do the extraction?
Via the assembly plan nomenclature, with a Tirs software such as Smartbom (MyCadTools Visiativ)?
Then see how the grouping is done at the extract level according to the method used.
Are the TAGS in a custom property?
A small screenshot before/after extraction can also help with understanding


Tested on assembly or drawing. As soon as the " Component Reference" column is displayed, it displays one row per component without grouping them.
SW2023 SP5
Edit: by saving the table in Excel


Hello @sbadenis

TAGS are written directly to the component's property under component reference:

For the extract, I tested with the SmartBom of MyCADTool but also with the insertion of a nomenclature table in the tree structure that I save in excel afterwards:

here we can see that the BSPxxxxx valve is debited in x24 quantity but I only have a TAG (EI-VM-018) which goes up instead of 24 TAG and therefore quantity 1.

I can't find the option that allows you to list the elements one by one.

Thank you

Hello @Cyril.f ,

I'm going to test by going through a drawing nomenclature to see what it looks like.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Be careful for my answer, I don't use SmartBom but just a save under BOM

Tested under Smartbom, it effectively groups the lines without taking into account the different component ref. It is however very possible that I missed an option, do you reproduce the problem @fmarchand ?
On the other hand, no problems in extraction under excel via MEP.

Indeed, I validate that it works well by going through the drawing, by generating the nomenclature in this same layout and by saving this nomenclature in Excel.

Thank you for your feedback.

For the solution, I think it was @Cyril.f who gave it the 1st. I think the best answer is hers.

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Yes indeed, I'm correcting that :slight_smile:

Thank you @Cyril.F ! :slight_smile:

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No, not possible at the moment, but we have an open request for improvement on this subject:

R&Dmy - Evolution #156030
Added the ability to differentiate parts with a different component reference value

Kind regards

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