Name configuration when created

Hi everyone

I created a parametric part that is composed of a single revolution.

I can create new configurations from the PropertyManager (see pb1.png), but I still haven't found a way to automatically name the configuration.

When creating a new config, I end up with the default name (see pb2.png).

What I would like is simply to have the different values entered separated by a hyphen (cf. pb3.png)

Does anyone have a solution to my problem?

Thank you in advance and Happy New Year.




Why not create them by opening your excel part family? (right click on your Excel part family table)

To do this, you select your first column that corresponds to your configuration name, you choose the cell format = standard, then you can apply a formula in this cell to fetch values from other columns for example. And then you can stretch this formula to apply it to the next cell.

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If I do so, SolidWorks "sees" that there is something written in the "name" column and moves to the next line, until it finds a blank line.

Here the standard format is to be applied from line 3 to 16 only and all lines not filled in complete must be deleted at the risk of causing errors, or even leaving the file without saving it.

Attached is an example


In this example, all configurations already exist.

I would like to be able to use the property manager to create a new configuration (so a new row in the table) with a specific name.

I can't create all the possible configurations, there would theoretically be several million...


Edit your Configuration Manager list then:

From your parts family list in Excel, use the concatenation function "=concat("B3"; "-"; "C3"; "-"; "D3"; "-""E3") in your A3 cell, and then repeat this function on all "Name" ("A3"->"A16") cells.
In this way, Configuration Manager will use this feature for all of your new configurations.
(Personal note: if you can, avoid keeping the dots (.) in the Configuration Names, it may be a source of problems...)
You also had to delete all your "0000" lines

Kind regards.

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Hello Maclane,

Your answer solved my problem.

I think my mistake was simply to keep line 3 (the default) and modify only the following lines.

Kind regards.