Standard mechanically welded tubes


Not very familiar with standards, I was wondering which one to refer to for everything related to 304 stainless tubes, I am mainly looking to know the outer radius of square and rectangular tubes. Is it equal to one thickness? as a supplier let me in....




It's standardised in external dimensions according to the thicknesses but it also seems to me that the shelves are according to the suppliers because we have already had differences between the suppliers.


Yes that's my problem because I have to make a sheet metal part that threads as closely as possible on a tube, and as far as the radius is concerned, it's a total blur.
PS: I haven't made progress yet on the nomenclature and its equations, but I'm on it ;-)


We no longer put spokes in the plates that top the tubes or when it's a specific case we ask the supplier for the data to be really sure. If you only have one supplier, it's fine, but then it's already a little more complicated with business and supply management...

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We only have one main supplier, but how many suppliers does he have.....


There we would have to see with it so that it provides the documentation of what it proposes and see the tolerances on the shelves. Maybe in his specifications he imposes a standard of shelves on his suppliers...