We would like to make a license available remotely



I have a small problem, we have 3 SOLIDWORKS licenses available on an internal server.

we would like to have a SOLIDWORKS  license available remotely for use outside the company.

Could you help me solve my problem.

Thanks in advance


See the attached links:



If you have floating licenses, it is possible to borrow a license for a renewable period of 1 month. If 1 month is too short there are 2 solutions. Solution n°1 asked your supplier to increase this duration. Solution 2  : set up a vpn that allows you to borrow a license remotely. I asked this question to the hotline at the beginning of the year, I post their answer==> " It is possible for your colleague to borrow a license again via a vpn, otherwise it is possible to request an extension of the license loan period from Solidworks." FYI,  we have requested a term extension and have set up a vpn.

May the force be with you


And by transferring the license  and then reactivating it on the new workstation?


I did it some time ago; I transferred the license from the school, activated it in the evening at home, then transferred it again to reactivate it the next day at the school

@Alain: it's not specified, but the notion of server refers to floating licenses

Hello everyone and thank you for your help.

we can use SOLID from a remote computer.


good luck to all....


It seems that you have solved your problem but for a good follow-up of the post can you explain how you did it, it may be of interest to other people.

May the force be with you