New myCAD by Visiativ x 3DCONNEXION 3D design challenge

Hi all

It's time for a new 3D design challenge!
In partnership with 3DCONNEXION, experts in CAD mice, we are launching this new challenge on the theme of sports :medal_sports:

The theme is:
Design a robotic arm for fencing training on SOLIDWORKS or CATIA

Today, fencers are forced to train in pairs: no technology has yet been designed to allow athletes to train alone, when they wish. SOLIDWORKS or CATIA users showcase your drawing skills and creativity through this contest! :hammer_and_wrench::robot:

A theme thought out and imagined by the professional fencer Gaëtan Charlot: engineer and high-level athlete! :person_fencing:

Through this challenge we propose you to create an articulated robot that will allow you to simulate a fight. To do so, this arm requires the following criteria:

  • An articulated arm replicating the elbow and wrist of a fencer
  • A light signal that indicates reaction times, hit speed...
  • A target capable of recording keys and recording performance
  • A resistant material that can withstand impacts
  • An arm in motion, up and down and left and right
  • Adaptable to disabled fencing

As CAO athletes, who better than you to take up the challenge? You have until September 15, 2024 at 00:00.

Several winners will win the following prizes:
• 1st: SpaceMouse Enterprise Kit 2
• 2nd: SpaceMouse Wireless Kit 2
• 3rd: SpaceMouse Wireless
• 1 voucher code for one person randomly drawn from the rest of the participants

This challenge is a unique opportunity to show your talent and contribute to the future of sports training with innovative solutions!

So, get your mice ready and may the best win! :muscle:
To submit your design, click here: myCAD by Visiativ x 3DCONNEXION design challenge - myCAD by visiativ

Good luck to all :slight_smile:


Awesome! A very interesting and complete subject, it promises great achievements!!

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Top, delighted that the subject is popular :slight_smile:
If you have any questions, ideas or inspirations, please feel free to share them here!

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To be sure @DoubleL ! But it's a bit hot to do that alone, isn't it?

It promises fights in the teams to see who will have custody of the mouse :sweat_smile:

I would even say more, YOUR talents, because for the time being you need more than one! :slightly_smiling_face:

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But no, teams of one will do it :wink:

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Easy to say for you, you're a team of a Double! :disguised_face:


Hi all

It is possible to design it with several people if you wish! :muscle:
I'll give you some inspirations :slight_smile:

The idea is to start with a robot that can at least hold a fencing foil and have an elbow and wrist movement to reproduce an opponent;
Then, it's up to you to add in the right place, a target, light sensors in case of a hit, and elements that will allow the forward/backward and right/left movement of this robot!
Also, a sensor must be added so that the robot can analyze the movement of the opponent's foil and be able to dodge or counter it to simulate a fight.

I know you're going to have some great ideas!!


Not everything can be designed on your project in a limited time, but you can explain in your description how the robot will behave, what materials you used...


Hello @Coralie thank you for these clarifications

for I did not quite understand what you meant by this sentence:

Well I admit that I'm not sure yet, on one side it says " up-down " and on the other "front-back ". :thinking:

Your robot must be able to adapt to all movements and all sizes of opponents: it must be able to adjust itself to the level for height (for a wheelchair fencer for example) and move from left to right and back and forth like a real human

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An original and interesting subject!

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Glad you like it :grinning:

For sure it's original and interesting... On the other hand, there is a lot of work! Even if you buy a ready-made robot (I don't dare to imagine the price). Can't wait to see what you come up with :slight_smile:


Hi all

Do you have any initial ideas or inspirations for this competition? :slight_smile:
Feel free to share it here!
Good luck to all!

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For my part, the design is well advanced


Hi all

How is this challenge progressing? Do you have any inspirations to share or questions for your design?

Don't hesitate to share it!
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone,
2 more moves to manage (or 3 ideally) and the biggest one will be done
In any case, I already have the name...


If the name is found, the hardest part is done^^ :rofl: