New subassembly: include a pattern of components


In an assembly, I inserted components as well as a linear repetition of one of them. I now want to form a new sub-assembly with 2 components + the repeat.

It apparently does not seem possible to include repeats (or any other function?) to create a subset. We then have to decompose the function for this to work, but we lose the constraints.

Does anyone have a solution to keep repetition in my subset?

Thank you! 


PS: the attached picture shows the case with nuts, but the problem is the same with parts.



As far as I know, you can't move a repetition to a new assembly, the only solution is to redo the repetition.

Have a nice day

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With sld 2015 it's not possible, but you have to avoid constraints on repeated components:

- performance gain (dixit AssemblyXpert)

- avoids losing constraints when changing the number of repetitions

I also apply this rule with the bubbles on the components in the drawings