Point cloud on solidworks in volume


I'm a beginner on Solidworks and I'm looking for someone who can help me understand how to make a point cloud to make a part with curve extension



1°) Pouvez_vous post an image of your point clouds (attach a file this allows you to read the image correctly).

2°) Is your point cloud in 2D or 3D because it changes the way you approach the problem?

3°) what is the degree of precision you expect in the recovery of the point cloud.

4°) What is the origin of this point cloud (file from a scan of a 3D object or other). Also specify the extension of the point cloud file.

Kind regards

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Hello and thank you for your answer,

I attached the mesh of the point cloud extracted from the scanned data ( 100mm of millimeter) it is a 3D point cloud, with steps of 1mm in X and 1mm in Y

and I have to make a part of it (photo attached), but I don't know how to do that at all and I would like to understand the process in order to make other parts of this type.

Kind regards

Good evening

I think you have two distinct problems

1°) Do as in the image, in which case the problem is almost simple, just deal with the problem in surface.

2°) For the attachment which appears as a surface but which apparently cannot be used as is.

@ All of them I made a sketch under the surface and I tried to make an extrusion to the pseudo surface but the problem is that SW doesn't recognize it (even with the surface functions)  so it's Down.

If someone who has already integrated files from a scan could help @ nicolas.righi

that would be nice. View Attachment

@Nicolas Sorry I can't help you. I hand over to more competent than me on this subject. To help my forum colleagues could you tell from which machine you did the Scan and as already requested the file extension of the file that comes out of the scanner.

Kind regards


Thank you Pierre,

Yes I have already tested the surface but I didn't manage to use it afterwards, 



If gt22 goes through this it will tell you how to do the surface. 

On the other hand, to recover the file from the scan, you still have the pb. From which scan did you get the file you posted