NX 10: Assembly Constraint + Sketch



I want to add assembly constraints between two parts compared to the sketches of the two parts? Currently I can't see and can't select a sketch of my parts in the assembly.

Is it possible to perform this manipulation? If so, how?

Thank you



With a right-click on the sketches in your tree you can't view them? If not, look carefully, there must be a display filter activated.

see this tutorial on NX assemblies

but the constraints are via 3D


and a list of youtube tutorials on NX assemblages



@gt22, Yes, the constraints are via 3D, but I want to select an edge of a sketch to constrain my assembly.

@a.leblanc, No, I still can't display them...



for a dimension constraint between two parts in an assembly,

You have to double click on the part you want to quote, then click on the dimension in question. The modification window opens and there you can double click on any other part of your assembly to make the dimensions of this one appear!!

All you have to do is apply the equation  !
