Onglet simulation disparu

Hello, For 2 days I no longer have the "simulation" tab when I perform calculations on assemblies (it is present for parts). I can't get her to reappear. Thank you

You may have the Solidworks Supplement tab in the banner

Click on it and you'll have solidworks simulation

@+ ;-)


Otherwise a small restoration of the settings should do the trick....

Kind regards



Thank you for these answers,

I do have the add-ons tab but simulation doesn't appear there. In addition I refine but simulation is well launched, the tab appears when I work on a part, but disappears when I open an assembly.

For the restoration of the settings, I don't really want to reset everything...

I am waiting for the response of the audience for the moment.

Problem solved by the support: it reset me only the tabs in the registry. The origin of the bug remains unknown...


For the settings, the ideal is to make a backup when they are defined and functional, this allows them to be restored properly in case of a problem.

Kind regards