"Scan operation not completed"

Hello everyone and thank you to those who will take the time to read me.

I am currently trying to scan a profile along a trajectory to obtain what should look like a stairwell - the stringer, more precisely, so the part that supports the handrail of the staircase on the side of the void.

However, when validating the function, I get an error message telling me that "the scan operation was not completed [Rebuild error]" - see attachment.

The start of my trajectory is well located in terms of the profile. What more do I need to do? Create the guide curves? 

While waiting for your answers, I wish you a good end of the day.

Kind regards 


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Is your profile not circular? If so, I would be tempted to say that you should tick the corresponding box?

Otherwise, see these questions on the same topic:





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Watch the 1st part of my tutorial! That should help you, in fact you have to copy and declare the guide sketch. You'll understand better according to my tutorial...


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Can you zoom in on interconnection profile and guide curves

Do you have a coincidence sketch profile and guide curve

Is your sketch plan perpendicular to the guide cover (end point)

In volume it is tricky to bend tightly  (profile size)

in surface it's a little more flexible

Test by editing your profile 


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I just saw in more detail your problem and I thought you wanted to have a fold-out stringer...  I think the problem comes from the bend immediately after the sketch of  your profile, there must be a collision with the thickness of the tube during the scan.


Hi everyone, my problem is solved thanks to the "direction vector" twist option, thank you for your responsiveness and have a good end of the day!
