Scan volume operation on multiple line segments


I'd like to use the Swipe Volume Operation tool on multiple line segments. For the moment, I can't do it.

Isit possible to choose a guide curve that is a broken line or in other words a succession of line segments?

Thank you in advance for your help.


A priori yes. But the guide curve must be a single element. If your path is made up of several independently created segments, you must first assemble them.

To do this, you need to use the junction  icon in the wireframe and surface design workbench.


Great thank you for your answer.

On the other hand, your image of the function that would be very useful to me has not passed.

Can you send it back to me?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hello no, the segements must be continuous in tangiance and be careful "turning point" ratio between the width of the profile and the radii of curvature of the guide .

If you have installed the Catia DOC, just select a command (icon) and then press F1 you will find more info on the scans

Extract from the CATIA DOC

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OK. Do you have an idea to quickly fill adjacent segments (broken line)?


Maybe Tubing or Piping? (I don't have)

Edit: Unless there are only two broken ségments.

+ 1 @Chamade 

As much as for me it works (Rib) if the segments are coplanar (with 2 it's always the case).


EDIT a clarification if you don't use the relimitation the rib  works on non-coplanar segregations .

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"If your trajectory is made up of several independently created segments, you have to assemble them first."

Could you tell me what "assemble" looks like for lines so I can find it?

I found the assembly function in the Generative Shape Design workshop

The manip (consisting of assembling segments of lines) works.

Thank you