SolidWorks Usage Optimization and Statistics

Hi all

I have a question about optimizing the use of SolidWorks.

It also follows the Lynkoa Tour that there was previously.

Is it possible to make statistics on the use of the functions used by a user according to the "modules" used?

That is, for example, is it possible in the "room" module to know which functions I use the most?

The same goes for the "sketch", "assembly", "plan" modules.

All this to better configure the movements of the mouse for example (or other).

For example, when setting up mouse movements, I imagine a button "Setting up according to your use of SolidWorks".

That is to say, SolidWorks would have made statistics on our use of the software, and would be able to offer us what we need to use it better:

 - Optimized mouse movements

 - Optimization of the S key

 - Keyboard shortcut optimization


Is it possible to do that? If so, how?

If not, how do you get SolidWorks to code this feature?

Thank you.


Hello @Luke 

I'm not convinced that optimizing access to features is a significant time saver.

With the different keyboard, mouse, and 3D mouse shortcuts it already goes not too bad.

Especially since depending on what you do, you don't use the same functions.

I may spend more time thinking about the functionalities of the part or the ASM than making sketches, extrusion functions, or material removal etc.

Look objectively at how many shortcuts or shortcut icons you actually use among all those offered.
Personally I use 26 keyboard shortcuts, about twenty icon shortcuts, 10 mouse shortcuts and 5 with the 3D mouse, the most useful of which is the "Fit" function

It is known that everything happens between the seat and the keyboard more than in additional functions. Out of the last four versions, what are the new features you use (that you have adopted) and how much time have you spent dissecting all the new features with each release?

Sometimes, with very young colleagues or students who trust me, I tell them, show me your tree of creation and I will tell you everything you can change in the future to go faster in the modifications and so that your creations are transmissible to others and that they are maintainable.

Often I have faster to redo the piece than to take it back because it's built like a goret. I am sure that you who are experienced and who like a job well done, square and clean, will understand what I am referring to.

Another point for information , SW is surely more busy developing the new SW which will totally do without Windows and will be entirely Cloudist (cloud operator) than bringing the type of functionality you mention.

Kind regards

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Hello Luke,

I confirm what ZOZO expresses...

The main thing is to make it as simple as possible so that your 3D can be modified as quickly as possible.

Then the shortcuts are you who create them according to your work habits. I prefer to leave the standard SW configuration to always know where the tools are, especially if you do the service that you don't have your usual pc...

Kind regards.




Everyone seeks their happiness where they think they will find it.

It could be interesting to see these stats, however on my side if such a log exists I am curious to know, but to disable it and improve performance by avoiding unnecessary disk writes.

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