"Controlled dimension" option in the drop-down menu



For some time now, the "controlled dimension" option (or not), in the drop-down menu of a right click on a sketch dimension, no longer appears.

In the settings of this menu, it does not appear either.

Does anyone have the solution?



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You have to right-click on the dimension, then customize the menu, and there it appears.



Michel G.



The option is not always present in sketch editing. For example, I don't see it (not even in the drop-down menu customization) in editing a trajectory of a scan.

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Do you have this configuration?

because with this one I have it when I click right.

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Is it present in the feature manager (see image)?



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Is it permanent? Does it happen on all coasts? Or only on some of them?

Maybe testing a file would be more convenient to see if we reproduce the problem?

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Good evening


I don't know if you've configured solidworks much, but if you haven't, you can restore the settings.



Tool > Option > System Option> at the bottom of the window there is a "RESTORE" box and when you click on it you have 2 choices: Reset all options and reset this page only.


It's up to you to make your choice.

At first glance, the "piloted" option does not appear in the context menu in 3D sketching.

Can anyone make the experiment and confirm it?

Indeed, in 3D sketching I don't have the piloted option either, I just checked