Option to allow transparency in PhotoStudio (CATIA)


In my assembly, some parts are transparent.
I use PhotoStudio to make a beautiful rendering.
On the other hand, the photo created with PhotoStudio takes away the transparency of the pieces that had been made transparent.
How do I allow certain parts to be transparent in PhotoStudio? There must be an option to enable...

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Hello I don't know PhotoStudio but in CATIA you have to make the difference between:

Transparency "owned"

Transparency  "Materials"

I think that's the latter that PhotoStudio uses .

EDIT try to apply a glass type material

OK thank you for your feedback

For transparency via "property", I put it via a right click on the container of a part in an assembly or directly on the part then "properties" and I modify the transparency 

On the  other hand, how do we manage the transparency of "materials"?

Can you tell me where I can fix it?

Thank you in advance for your help.

I answer myself. I found out how transparency is managed in terms of materials. You have to activate a part and then apply a material. Then, we go into the properties of the material, then rendering, then transparency.

On the other hand, I have a problem PhotoStudio applies transparency well according to material transparency. But I have lost the color of my pieces.

For the moment, here is what I have, for example, for Exhibit 1:
- at the level of the container of my room 1, graphic properties: pink color (for example)
- at the part level, graphic properties: greyed out, so they cannot be touched.
- At the level of the workpiece, a steel material has been applied.

On the other hand, when I make an image with PhotoStudio, the color of my pieces disappears. I only have one color related to the material.

Question: How can a colour be assigned to a material?
And, what would be even better, how can I assign the color of the graphic properties of my part's container to the material? Because what I want is to keep the colors I had defined in terms of the graphic properties.

Thank you in advance for your advice


You can try removing the image from the texture.

Material Properties / Rendering / Texture / Type (choose none).

I don't think it's going to work, but you never know.

Otherwise the solution would be to create the "jpeg" file of the color you used (RGB properties).

Even with this you will surely have differences if only in the light sources (lighting).

I finally found it.

In the material properties and then render and then on the ambient line, there's ..., click on that and you'll be able to change the color.

The colour of the material can then be changed. The best is to put in rendering paint and then put the desired color on the ambient line.

After the rendering in PhotoStudio works!

Thank you in any case for your advice


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PS: I am waiting for your comments and suggestions 
