
I created a slot (library function) for material removal for laser cutting for Ø88.9 tube.

It is a material removal that must pass through the axis of the tube (stress of laser cutting) and which has two positioning lugs for another part:

This slot is applied to Ø88.9 tube. It is positioned by selecting the surfaces of two existing holes and the outer surface of the tube.

The first step of the slot is to create a 3d sketch to generate two plans.

These planes are then used for the two material removal functions.

The 3d sketch includes a central axis of the Ø88.9 tube and two axes for the holes that join the central axis:

The problem I encounter concerns the orientation of my slot on a Ø88.9 tube.

That is to say that once my selections of the two holes and the outer diameter of the tube are made, my slot applies but on the other side of the tube, at 180° compared to my holes. We can see on the 3d sketch that the two drilling axes are opposite each other:

Do you have a solution that allows the slot to orient correctly in relation to the selected holes?

Or another method to perform my material removal operation?

Attached are the two files. 

Thank you very much.



Hello @ m.legras

If I understand correctly, you only make two holes on one side of the cylinder.

Except that in your design, as your sketch starts from a middle plane and you do a removal of material  "middle plane",  your holes are made from one side to the other, which you don't want.

In this case, in the material removal function, it is sufficient to shift the plane of the sketch by two centimeters and above all to select blind and not "through everything". (everything is done in the material removal function as on the screenshot)

Kind regards


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Thank you for your answer.

On my TUBE part as an example, yes I have a removal of material on both sides. But I have cases with piercings only on one side and the problem occurs. The drilling axes of the 3d sketch can be set at 180°

Why not create a room

including drilling (your 2 holes) and material removal

that you can drive via a concentricity with respect to your tube and a distance

and take a combined tool to create these material removals in a single operation

@+ ;-)


Hello, there is an idea!! :)

This slot is an evolution of the attachment on our Ø88.9 posts which only had two holes.

But some poles have many fastening systems that are close to each other, which would not be easy either via the combine function.

as an example

Mastered Drilling

@+ ;-)


I'm testing this option to see if it can go ...

Well I must admit that the matrix works quite well.

Thank you very much GT22!!

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And the why of quite well?



you don't give all the data of the PB because you tell us afterwards "But I have cases with piercings only on one side"

But fortunately @gt22 know """ quite well"""  ;-)  SW like the back of his hand.


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It works well indeed.

Thank you both.

Kind regards

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