Opening Recycle Bin Files in E-pdm


I have a small problem accessing files under PDM.

I created parts under the PDM that were not good so I deleted them from the pdm (and sent them to the pdm trash).

There is an assembly that has not been opened and registered recently that pointed to these old parts. Normally the link should have been blown and the assembly. However, the PDM creates grayed out files in the local view of these parts in my trash and opens them!

The only way that the assembly would not open them must have been to permanently destroy the files in the Recycle Bin.

How is this possible, the recycle bin can only be accessible by the admin, why can an average account open a file from the recycle bin via an assembly? It's relatively dangerous.

I may have missed a checkmark in the user rights, if anyone knows where it is, I would like to prevent anyone except the admin from accessing the files in the recycle bin. Thank you.


Is the opening up in a different position?

If it's the same workstation, it can happen if this box is not checked(cleaning local files in the PDM admin, in the settings of a group or a person:

It can happen on another workstation only if you have already opened the room there before deleting it .



So indeed it happens on the workstation that created the wrong part.

This box on the group in question is checked with a square (so I must have variations), it is not checked on any other group.

A little doubt if I check this box, that the user creates and saves a file locally on the PDM slot without archiving it, does it purge him when he logs out? Because in the course of the study it often happens that we put files and archive once the solution has been validated.

It doesn't purge when you log out, but when you close the file on Solidworks you either save and the hidden file is transferred to the PDM file (without archiving but it merges with the ungrayed out file of the same name) or you don't save and the file disappears too.

The square should mean that a user has been set up without going through the group, I advise you to set up only with groups


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ok great thank you for the answers.

For the squares indeed, I am part of this group, and I modified my account for the display of files in order to avoid the admin deco/recon each time.

Otherwise, all other users are only driven by groups.

Thank you for your help, I just have to go and make the changes.

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