I transferred my license to my workshop 's PC
then I deactivated the license at the workshop
Back home the reactivation fails permanently, a message tells me that the number of activations
is outdated
I don't understand
Is this possible?
What to do
I have a version 11 of SolidWorks
Bie cordially
Good evening @Lhargetto
You have to deactivate before reactivating and not the other way around.
As the rights system is relatively complex, it would be better to check with your seller, because only they have access to the rights bases via their contact at Dassault. Normally there are no constraints on the number of times on activation and deactivation: when you switch from your fixed computer to your mobile phone and vice versa.
Note that a 2011 version is starting to date, you should also see which OS you have because there are versions that become incompatible or reveal bugs since these old versions are obviously not maintained and bugs, with the OS equal to or higher than Windows 7 and W 8.1.
Kind regards
PS: personally, I find this activation and deactivation system archaic and in addition it is not very reliable because beware if you don't have a reliable internet connection if you are in nomadic mode. It would be enough for their system to check that the license is not activated on two workstations at the same time, since at each startup it checks the license number. In addition, if by distraction you forget to deactivate the landline and SW to offer a trip to the Phartenon and you are brown (or chocolate depending on your taste) when you try to connect with the mobile phone. Before, it was more flexible.
They get us drunk with this archaic system to want to control everything too much, they block the agile mode (in today's mobility sauce. It's an agile mode with a foot of clay ;-) ).
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Thank you for the answer
The problem is solved, I thought I had transferred
This was not the case
thank you again