Opening previous file with SW2013, additional parts. that become active

Assembly design with SW 2012 and/or earlier.

When I open these files with SW 2013, some parts that were deleted in the past become active.


How do I prevent these coins from being automatically activated?

they must be temporarily deleted (right botton on the part and click delete)

Thanks, I know how to delete a room temporarily.


I want to prevent these parts that were deleted when created in the past (SW 2004 @ 2012 version) from becoming active when opening the assembly file in SW 2013 mode.


This seems to me to be a "bug" or a limitation of the SW software.

I had the same problem with files prior to version 2010

I didn't understand the maintenance well but it would be due to the previous non-compatibility (that's why a 2011 SW can't open a 2012 file) and that there is a big modification from 2010

It doesn't really answer the question but it's worth knowing

Normally from 2014 onwards we should see backward compatibility but limited in the versions.  

Let's see if it works...




Backwards compatibility has existed since the 2013 version, between the 2013 version and the 2012 SP5 version!

This will be the case in all future versions from what I have read, but only from one year to the next.

On the other hand, I don't understand the connection with the question, which is a problem of upward and not top-down. I don't have this problem but I have always followed the evolutions every year so if you open a file of a very earlier version it may be normal.






Solid 2013 is in Beta; I guess it's either a bug or a new setting to make in the system options.

Personally, I'm still wary of the first versions + ServicePacks



The problem would not come from an inaccuracy between hidden elements and "delete" element (deactivate). Maybe the hidden elements reappear and the deleted elements don't ???


Kind regards



@bastien.vogel: The elements are well and truly deleted


@ BBARRAND: I own the SW 2013 with Service Pack 2.0


As Coyote says, it's a problem of upward opening. When this happens... trying to find out what was deleted from what was not deleted before becomes a real headache...

@BBARRAND: The SW2013 version has not been a Beta version for a long time and should no longer work. You must update it on the SolidWorks Support site.

Kind regards

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from memory I have already encountered this problem,

It seems to me that the problem only occurs when you convert a file from a 2011 version or lower to a 2013 version with an SP lower than 2.0.

So if that's the problem, the test to be carried out is extremely simple:

- identify a set whose parts that were deleted have gone into a state of non-deletion

- Recover a backup of this file before it is converted to 2013 version

- Update your version of solidworks (in SP 2.0 minimum but while you're at it I advise you to do the latest update)

- open the file in the previous format and see if there is a problem.


If the problem is not present, it is certainly a bug in the first versions of SOLIDWORKS during file conversions.

If the problem is still there, the first thing to do is to reinstall an earlier version of SolidWorks on the same workstation (in parallel with your 2013) in order to check if the problem did not exist previously.

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I don't really understand what's going on on the forum, I made an answer 2 years ago and it now reappears as an answer "16 minutes ago"

There is obviously a mix of response dates