Opening future version

On SW18 SP5.0, I have a problem with SW's whim with opening SW19 files:
- on my machine no problem, the behavior is normal;
- on a colleague's machine, it doesn't want to: either it puts a message that SW has encountered a problem or it doesn't do anything, but nothing at all.

Do you have any ideas?


Do you have the same stations? If so , have the updates been done?

Out of 4 machines (1 recent laptop, 2 sister-machines including mine and the last one a little older), all under W7, only mine works.
On the others, I have all the behaviors possible.

Windows updates are done.

And as far as SW updates are concerned, everything is OK?

It's the SP5.0, I don't know of any others.

Maybe we need to compare 

The PC config hardware CPU GCU memory 

as well as system and update



This article may help you: 

SOLIDWORKS Future Version Problem: 3 Solutions to Open Your File

Have a nice day