Pack and Go solidworks


I have a problem with the Pack and Go on solidworks, I make a pack and go I draw my 3D parts once I'm done I make a plan, I save and once I reopen my plan it gives me an error and it erases the drawing. AND when I make a pack an go on the same drawing I created to make another piece I can't open the solid which is defective.

Do you have a solution? 


Hello, may you have luck to have the slightest part then  you only have a file drawing without the attachments.

I don't really understand your method, you make a P&Go of what? an assembly, a part, or a MEP?



I make a pack and go of the plans in SLDDRW. And when I open the file it gives me like the attached file.




I also don't really understand the method used and especially the need !!

What's the point of making a Pack & Go on a plan file alone?

Kind regards


I make a p&g of the plans and the volume.


Normal since they keep the same name and I think maybe even the link. If only for one piece; I copy the part with this MEP on the desktop and right-click on the part and Solidworks then renamed and same for the MEP so they keep the link between them but with a different name.


Hello @tous

I would like to thank the relevant remzarques of my eminent colleagues.

But! It's the May that's important.

1°) you are in the 2020 version
2°) you give file names to make Windows sick with dots everywhere. The dots should only be used to separate the file name from the tototata-titi extension. DOCS    .sldasm etc     replace your dots with dashes or underscores please.
It should go better ;-)

Kind regards

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ok I'll try.

Do you change the names during the pack'n go?
Do you change the recording directory?

yes absolutely

When I make a pack and go I do it from the assembly t from the drawing, try like this (don't forget to check at the top "include drawings" which should be the default now)

All my projects are made on this method and not from the MEP.

I agree with Zozo's remark about names, the point is forbidden on principle, use the hyphen instead or a space.


Are the patterns made directly on the part or via a tool that he has lost the link to?


Hello and if I make a part without assembly how would you proceed?


But why make a part assembly with ONE part and then make the drawing of the assembly. and then do your P&G.

Take your piece and draw it.

Then do the P&G of your room, checking include drawing.

I think you're complicating your life, and no one understands.




All the same,

 If you have a room and several MEPs linked to that room (some prefer, instead of using tabs for x reasons, macro or other) if you do your P&Go from the room, it will automatically list all the MEPs linked to that room.




I don't understand the purpose. The goal is to make a copy of the play and its plan if I understand correctly.

may the force be with you.



@FUZ3D: Pack'n go only finds meps that have the exact same name as the template file (asm or prt).

@stefbeno'm sorry to contradict,  but as long as your room is linked to multiple MEPs, the P&Go will find them. 



Hello that's how I do it and I save it on the folder of my choice, and then if I want to open it again it goes into error.  

@FUZ3D: I'm the one who follows sorry and happy to discover that it can work like this.
Do we agree that you are not in an EPDM environment?
