Setting up automatic EPDM login (via Windows password recovery)?


I want to set up the automatic EPDM connection so that I don't have to enter a password anymore (Windows password recovery) as was the case in my old mailbox.

Can you tell me where it is set up?

I found this help but I don't have a "Login" tab in the "Properties" of the vault:

Thank you



The manipulation is done in the administration tool in the settings tab.


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I had this manip but it is specific to the position. Is there no general option?

By the way, the "Connect as user in Windows" option is grayed out, how do I access it?


Hello, Pierre S' answer is very just, right click on setting and choose the default safe.

Yes, but this option is specific to the position and I would like a general option so that I don't have to set up each position.

For me we have no choice. The time is ridiculous, a right click and a checkbox, per user.

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Yes but it would still be easier to set it by default, which was the case in my old company, and the option exists but grayed out?! :


Sign in as the currently logged in user in Windows

Logs you in using the username and password of the current Windows profile. Select this option if the Vault connection type is set to Windows connection on the Archive server.

This option is available only for vaults that are configured to use Windows login.

Thank you matthieu.

Is it possible to configure the vault after the fact to use Windows login? If so, how?

Because it should not have been at the beginning since the option is greyed out.


For the record, find out about the "Archive Server" options

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 Thank you Macros227 for your answer, can you tell me how to access this menu because when I click on "Properties" on the server, I only have the port that is displayed, see attachment:



It's directly on the archive server that it is configured. If you don't have access to it, you have to check with your computer service.

OK, thank you, I'll see about it with IT!