Visualization cube setup (or other solution to create a flow sheet)


I'm looking to automatically produce flow sheets from my assemblies.

One solution that was presented to me is to use the visualization cube associated with welded constructions. It works well but the length of the room is by default the longest side of the room.

In my case, I want to be able to reverse the length and width without having to do it manually. Is there a way to specify the direction of the room measured by the visualization cube?

In addition, I saw that it was possible to use custom properties to extract the quotes of my coins but it seems more cumbersome to set up.

Thank you in advance.


Which version of Solidworks are you on?

By default it is set to the XY plan

On the 2018 version there are many more options than before. For example, set up the original planes of the visualization cube


See help:cube visualization 2018


Kind regards


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I'm on solidworks pro 2020.

I tried to set up the definition plan  of the visualization cube but unless I'm mistaken, and despite my attempts with each of the faces of my volume, the nomenclature always gives me the same values, as if the largest dimension should be the length and the smallest the thickness.

Good evening

Having only the 2017 version, I can't tell you too much.

Do you have this problem for all your parts?

Maybe share your pieces for others to test?





For my part, I'm not shocked that the longside is always the longest side of the room... Since the thickness is defined as one of the dimensions of a solid, usually the smallest, only the intermediate dimension remains for the width of the ... I'm not sure you can change this in SW's settings.

Kind regards

Thank you for your answers, I will gradually abandon this method in favor of the custom property form that allows me to designate the dimension to be displayed as the length.

And yes, all the pieces present this problem of orientation of the visualization cube.