FLEX Parameter



Why not draw the piece already "curved" in this case?

So do a sweep of your section, then cut and then machine.


I think I have the answer, you want to come up with a manufacturing line, I guess.


A solution: 

-Cut the body into 3 bodies (500 on each side)

- create the bending on the central part with the desired angle

- move the other bodies to reposition them (translation then rotation half the angle)

- reunite the 3 bodies (not mandatory and may not work because of very light play)



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Even simpler:

- Before all the cuts, create a central coordinate system for the part with the Z lengthwise and the X in the Y direction of the original coordinate system.

- Then, after cutting and machining, create the bending with the planes at 500mm and the mark as the bending center


At home it works perfectly!





Here is a screenshot with the cutouts to make your hanger is this what you are looking for


@+ ;-)


One more small thing in the bending function, set this slider to Zero to avoid machining deformation (see image)



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I put everything in context:

I'm trying to find a solution for one of our customers who uses SolidWorks and who has just purchased a BDM machine of this type:


The customer puts a 6m aluminum bar at the entrance of his machine and he is left with a certain number of parts cut with angles and with machining. All this is controlled by a Numerical Control. To send the information to the NC, the customer provides us with a batch file (a series of codifications) from his CAPM with all the information on the different part lengths and different machining with the position in X.

The idea (via smartproperties and bomcreator) is to remove the CAPM and give all this information from the SolidWorks assembly, hence the need to have a profile.

The specificity of this customer is that some of these parts, after having machined them in our machine, go through a bending machine. So I need 2 configurations: one in bar for our machine and one with the hanger for assembly (a pool enclosure).
So I don't want to do a sweep.

The 3-body piece bothers me too.

In the bending function, I'm going to check the slider to handle the deformation.

I sent the parts to the Axemble support, because I have the impression that you can all bend this part without error and not me.
In the meantime, thank you all, you all enlightened me well on the subject of Bending and Deformation: features that I didn't know well.....




Is this more what you are looking for

See attached file

@+ :-)


Yes in the spirit that's it.

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So what's the problem? if that's it

@+ ;-)

When I do it on my own, I have a mistake.

have you downloaded my file which is basically yours ;-)


I created a sketch for the neutral fiber (part origin)

I created a second sketch (distorted line(1 right, 1 arc, 1 straight)

Deformed tool..... That's all

@+ ;-)



no new answers @ flegendre have you solved your problem?

@+ ;-)

Issue not resolved to date.

I'm waiting to move on to SW2013 (scheduled for this weekend) to see if it changes anything.


I think I will use the "FLEXION" function.

I finally have the answer:

Why did I always have a reconstruction error with the FLEX function and the DEFORMATION function as well as you didn't?

This has nothing to do with the SolidWorks version but simply because of an option in the System Settings under "Performance" and you have to uncheck the first box "Check on rebuild"


Thanks to Eloise on Axemble's support.
