Parameterize sheet metal thickness transition ply


I made a sheet metal part using the "transition fold" function. I want to set up the part. However, it does not seem possible to set the thickness of the part in the "transition fold" function. What alternative is there please?

Thank you in advance for your help


You have to double click on the main function "Sheet metal", The sheet metal dimensions will appear on the 3D model.

On the coast you want to configure:

- Right-click on this coast

-"Configure the coast"

- Enter values according to configurations.


Kind regards

Have a nice day


Hello Mr. Souchet,

Thank you for your answer. Indeed, by doing as you say, I can change the value of the thickness of my sheet metal part. Only, I can only enter a numerical value. However, I want to be able to fill in a parameter (for example "=ep_parametre") in the form of an equation. This way, I can adjust all the parts in my assembly by changing only my settings file.

It works very well on sketches, but I can't do it on sheet metal parts to control the thickness.

Kind regards


He first creates another configuration and after double-clicking on the coast you put = then you click on the other sides you want to link and you finish your formula and to the right of the line you have three small blue squares and a black arrow and there select "this configuration" and there it should work...

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Hello Cobra 427. Thank you very much for your answer, but I admit that I have a hard time understanding what you mean. I tried by making a configuration, but I didn't have to do the manipulation well because I don't get the expected result.

I have attached my sheet metal part. I just want to attach the thickness of my sheet metal part to the global variable "ep_tole" which is visible in "equations, global variables and dimensions".

So I don't want to tie the thickness to an existing dimension in the sketch but to an "external" dimension. But above all, I can do "=dimension" for a dimension in a sketch, but I can't do it  to impose the thickness of a sheet metal part.

My end goal is to be able to update my final assembly by just changing the settings file without having to go back to all the parts one by one.

Thank you in advance

Kind regards



If it is related to another part in an assembly, it must be done in the assembly. You double-click on the sheet metal function of the part you want to link and there the dimensions appear, then you double-click on the one you want to set and there the dimension window opens. You do = then you double click on the sheet metal feature of the other part and you click on the thickness of it will be linked together. 

I can't open your room because still under 2016..

Here is a little tutorial...


Hello ac Cobra,

I don't want to set my sheet thickness to a parameter of another part in the assembly, but to parameters imported into the "Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions" function.

I attach the file in STEP format, it may be easier to open with solidworks 2016


The WWTP loses too much information so here is also a screenshot.

I want to do something like "transition fold thickness = ep_tole" where ep_tole is a global variable whose value is entered in the table "Equations, global variables and dimensions" as in the attached image.

This is easy in a sketch, but not easy for sheet metal thicknesses


Here is one more small detail. When I try to put the formula directly in the dimension corresponding to the thickness, I can't because the variable is linked (see attachment)



I finally found a solution to my problem to set the thickness of a sheet metal.

I went directly through the "Equations, global variables and odds" menu to fill in my equation.

Name Column: "Epaisseur@Tôlerie"

Value column: = "my imported parameter"

Kind regards

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