Sketching settings in an immersive sketch in the Sketcher Tracer


I'm trying to use the immersive sketch of the Sketcher Tracer but I'm having some problems.

1) In the "sketch settings" window, I have a lot of trouble defining the green guide in relation to my image. To adjust this marker, I think you have to juggle on the 2 types of view (in perspective, in cylindrical). On the other hand, for the moment, to keep it simple, I would just like to put my image in the Ozy plane of the coordinate system but each time the x-axis is badly adjusted and I have a perspective effect. However, by hand, it is difficult to adjust the x-axis of the green marker so that it comes to your head (perpendicular to the computer screen). How can we easily put ourselves in a plane of the reference frame?

2) There is an "axis system" option on or off. Can you tell me what it is? It could be very useful to me but I haven't understood how it works yet.

Thank you in advance for your advice. 


I was able to advance a little in my understanding of the Sketch Tracer module with the help of the following pdf that I found on the net (type sketch tracer and take the first link, in copy here).

You had to position yourself well on the front view simply to have perfectly perpendicular angles of view.

On the other hand, I would now like to do what he explains on page 8 of his pdf, namely use several 2D images (see below).

On the other hand, when rehearsing the creation of an immersive sketch, I don't see how I can place myself in a plane parallel to a first one.

Do you have any ideas to create a second immersive sketch (2D image) parallel to a first one as is done in the image above?

Thank you in advance for your ideas

