Solidworks Settings


I am a trainer in the technical field.

I am very often confronted with the following problem:

Each time a pc and soldidworks is opened, everything is often disorganized, everyone has their own little personal configuration and this means that during an explanation and a demo no one has the same presentation and configuration in front of them.

How do I make sure that when I open the pc or the solidworks open, the workspace as well as the config with the same settings are identical for everyone, and this automatically?

While waiting for an answer, I wish you a good end of the afternoon


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Via parameter copy assistance it is feasible, 


Thank you for answering me.

I've already tried but it's tedious when you have about fifteen pcs to manage and moreover everything doesn't go back to the same configuration.

Thank you for your help


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To have the general options carried over to all SW installations, you had to declare a file (sldsettings extension) which allows you to reload most of the general options (file location link, complete SW settings outside toolbars) in the installation options (it is managed at the level of administrative images, in basic installation I don't know).

For the customization of the bars it's a little more complicated, the easiest way is still to copy the settings by selecting all the users in the options (it will only copy the settings, unless I'm mistaken, on the profiles already existing on the computer).

To be able to apply these customizations to any session, you would have to develop a script that launches the settings wizard and configures the workstation (action hidden for the memory user).

The main problem with copying customizations is that it writes some of them to the registry keys at the user level. The global configuration is in the registry keys at the machine level. When creating a new user, SW relies on these machine keys to duplicate the settings on this user. As there is no customization, it creates a "standard" SW close to the general parameters if these have already been declared before (sldsettings).

It is not possible to put toolbar customizations in machine keys (they do not exist and are therefore never copied when creating a new user)


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I have just read your explanations and it is very interesting.

I'm going to look at this a little more closely with my IT manager because it's true that you need administrator rights to be able to modify the registry.

On my side, I had thought of launching a fichier.bat when windows starts. This file would overwrite the old solidworks registry to put back the "type" version.

Of course I don't know how to put a "registry" file in a .bat.

Thank you for your time and your pertinent remarks.

Have a good day to you



With this, you should be fine (import option):


Thank you for answering me.

I'm going to try to see what I can do with these commands. Apparently all that's left to do is...

Thank you again and have a good day


Be careful when handling the registry databases. You shouldn't do this blindly, otherwise there is an increased risk of making a PC unusable.

Yes, I have read articles on the subject.

Thank you for your participation...


Since the 2019 version I believe, it is possible for the administrator to force the settings / toolbars and others on the workstations.
Adjustment can be done during installation via the administrative images.
On the user workstation there are some options in: System Option / Synchronize Settings
And there is a dedicated management tool in which you can choose the parameters that can be edited on the workstations.

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Thank you also for answering me.

If I understand correctly, the administrator version is only visible as an administrator.

I looked on my version and I don't see the admin column, this explains it...

This gives me a few more avenues to explore, thank you.

Good afternoon

Good evening

The administrator view is managed at the utility level. On the user side, it comes in the form of a padlock next to the locked settings. For the others it's totally transparent but put back in the same configuration each time SW restarts if imposed on the utility (otherwise updated only once).

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Thank you for these clarifications...

Good night