$parent in Parts Family does not update

I work on part families and manage derived configurations with the $parent parameter
The problem is that when I change the names of the configurations, I can't find them in the list in the $parent field: it's always the same list that is displayed


Not sure if I understood correctly, but $Parent should take the name of the main configuration under which the derived configurations are located.
Therefore, renaming a configuration does not change this setting.


I imagine you are referring to your position:

If you change the name of your Configuration that serve as a $Parent being created for the part family, to be able to reuse the new names:
Either copy and paste the new Name into cell $Parent.
Or, and this is the most convenient, close and delete your part family to create a new one with the updated values.

Kind regards

@cyril :
" must take the name of the configuration "
" Therefore, renaming a configuration does not change this setting "

Well yes: if I delete a config and create another one with another name, I have to find this new config in the list to be able to create a derived config
This is not the case. The deleted config still appears in the list, and the new one does not

@maclane : I had tried to copy and paste, but I couldn't put a manual value in the cell

Well in the end after many tries, it seems that the list is updated. It remains a mystery for the moment...

Thank you!

Be careful, for this kind of manipulation, I try to start from a new SW (i.e. just launched without having opened another file) and to have only the file to modify open.

Then, you have to pay attention to the current configuration at the time of editing the part family.

Then there may be a problem as stipulated @stefbeno open file that uses the deleted configuration so it does not remove it from the list.
For the addition, there is normally a window that appears to indicate which setting needs to be updated.
Probably that was the problem.