No cartridge when opening the plan?

Hi all

When I open the plan sheet, my cartouche no longer appears?

Each time I have to go to the properties and I check the box, "Show background map".

What do I need to do to have it appear automatically?

Thanks in advance...

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Here is the new question promised ;-)

I think you saved your background while you were editing.

Do the process again, making sure you have checked it before registering it.



The problem may come from your document template, is the box checked in this one?

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Indeed, you have to redo the process of saving a plan model or background plan.

1/ Open your plan and in the properties check the box Show basemap

2/ save as in .drwdot (plan model) in the specified location for in your options

If this is a problem when you change sheet size

1/ Open your plan and in the properties check the box Show basemap

2/ Save as a .slddrt (model basemap) in the location specified for in your options

It should work.



The box is well checked, when opening the size, I redid the manipulations several times, even changing the location of the files in the system, but nothing helps!! grrrr

I'm going to do it again following a.leblanc's instructions and I'll get back to you!

Thanks guys.


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Re hello!

I tried again and again but nothing helped!! ouiiiin.loool.

I applied myself to following your advice to the letter... it doesn't work.


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That's it, I've solved my problem, I've erased everything, redone everything with the "A.Leblanc" method and bingo the cartridge is in the sheet!

Thank you all for your responsiveness! SUPER....
