Not possible to publish my projects in html


I can't publish my projects in HTML with 3DVivia Composer. Internet Explorer opens but nothing appears. Thank you in advance for your help

What version of Internet Explorer is installed on your computer?


Under which O.S are you?


I use windows 7 and Internet Explorer version 11.


Have you tried with another browser?

Yes, no difference.

I only use the simple profile for publishing from 3dvia.

As an attached file, a print screen of the result.


Can you attach the HTML?


Is everything up to date?



What is the version of Composer? 

Is it SOLIDWORKS Composer, Catia Composer, or 3Dvia Composer (which has not existed under that name for a few versions)?


Also note:

  • only exports using the "simple" model will work without the Composer player pro (paid and to install)
  • The player must be installed on the workstation or the page will be viewed
  • it is imperative to use Internet Explorer since the call to the composer player is not a Microsoft ActiveX technology that only exists in IE.

Here is an html as an attached file.

Thank you again for your help.


I have 3dvia composer V6R2013x (64bit).

I only use the simple template to create my HTML as well as Explore. If one day I manage to create an html, I might buy "Composer player pro"





This version of Composer is not compatible with IE versions after 7.


So you need to modify the generated HTML file (see the template to avoid being annoyed anymore):

adds the following line just after the <head> line at the very top of the main HTML file:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7; text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 


If you don't want to do the same thing every time you export, you can modify the template which is in the installation folder (under HTML folder).

It should be called publishhtmltemplate.html

(be careful, you have to launch the editing application as an administrator to have the right to modify a file in the installation folder)



Sorry for this late response (I had to wait for our IT department to intervene).

The problem is solved... Thank you very much
