Transition from Solidworks 2013 to 2015


I administer a design office of 12 people working under Solidworks.

The files are shared by a virtual Windows Server 2012 under VMWARE

for 6 months without stability problems.

When switching from Solidworks 2013 to 2015, the server starts to freeze after

a few hours, without an overload being visible in the manager

 of the OS's tasks, nor at the level of the hypervisor.

Failing to find the origin of the problem, updates are underway, hopefully

let the problem disappear ...

I am listening to your suggestions for investigation:)



Is it the SP5?

In terms of the network load of the server, nothing in particular?

And at the process level?

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yes it's 2015 SP5 that was installed.

The network load remains comparable to what it was in 2013, but it is true that the files

Large assemblies are quite "imposing".

The processes are the flat calm of a file server, 1 to 2% load on average...

Thank you for thinking about my problem in any case.


Have all the files been updated to the 2015 version?

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No, not all files have been converted to the 2015 version, only those that have been modified and saved with the 2015 version are.



From the task scheduler, you can update all files to the latest version of SolidWorks when you don't have a vault.

And it is strongly advised to make a backup copy before starting the conversion.

And the best thing to do is to have remote access (like TeamViewer) to remotely check that the conversion goes smoothly.

We can already test on the most used files: standard folders or libraries.

Excerpt from the help:

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Create a conversion job

Create a conversion job

You can create a task to convert files on your computer, or you can create a distributed task to run on a group of computers.

You must have a SolidWorks Professional, SolidWorks Premium, or SolidWorks Office license in order to create a distributed job.

Start Network Monitor before creating a distributed task to ensure that the paths are set correctly.

For distributed tasks, all files must be in shared folders. See Folders for distributed tasks.

To create a conversion job:

Click Convert Files  in the sidebar or Tasks > Convert Files.
In the Convert dialog box, type a task title or leave the title as the default.
Select the files or folders you want to convert:
To select the files, click Add File, select the files, and click Open.

You can select the file types to update under File Type. Repeat the steps to select additional files.

To select folders, click Add Folder, select a folder, and click Open.

You can select the file types to update under File Type. Repeat the steps to select additional folders.

If you don't want to include subfolders, turn off Include Subfolders.

To remove a file or folder from the list, click its number or path, and then click Delete.

Under Task Scheduling, set the following options:
Method of execution.
Lets you specify how often the task runs. Select Single, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Start time.
Start date.
For distributed tasks:
Click Network Monitor if it is not running.
Select Distributed Task.
Click Network Test (recommended) to check the group's read and write permissions to files and folders.
Click Options to set conversion options and backup locations.
Click Advanced to change the work folder, timeout values, and other options.
Click Finish.
The task and its title, scheduled time, scheduled date, and status appear in the Tasks pane. Distributed tasks that you and other users schedule are displayed in Network Monitor.

If it involves more than one file, a subtask is generated for each file. If you selected Back up task files in Advanced Options, a backup copy is saved to a .zip file. When the task is complete, the status will show Done.

If your backup files include paths to Unicode files, use a zip file extractor application that supports UTF-8 encoding.

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I'm going to launch this tonight, I'll keep you informed of the results

Thank you

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Careful! Depending on the number of pieces, it can take more than 24 hours!

The best thing to do is to launch it on a Friday night.

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And it is strongly advised to make a backup copy before starting the conversion.

And the best thing to do is to have remote access (like TeamViewer) to remotely check that the conversion goes smoothly.

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Some news:

In the last few days, I have scheduled file conversion tasks on the folders containing the standard elements of the projects.

Even if my tasks rarely finish correctly, the improvement due to the conversion is already noticeable, server freezes are less frequent.


I continue the conversions...

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I am digging up this topic because the origin of the problem has been discovered.

Converting the files improved the situation but did not eradicate the crashes that continued

at an average rate of 2 per week.

This is a mismatch between the deduplication feature of Windows Server 2012 and Solidworks

2015. Deduplication was implemented to save disk space. It was a very

Bad idea.