Switching from wireframe to shaded image mode?


By making a wrong manipulation (I think), I find myself in a wireframe display in an assembly, while the shaded image mode is well selected. The problem also spreads when I open a single part related to my assembly.

However, in another assembly and on other parts, I no longer have this problem and the display is default.


HELP !! And thank you for your support.


Sylvain B.






I can't see what software you're working on. But if it's in Solidworks, I have the impression that you have edited a part since the assembly.

If so, you have to click on this icon 


However, I don't understand why it also does it with a room that you open


Another lead,


Right-click on the assembly in the build tree => component view => default view.


Apparently, you can choose to be in fillar there when you want to be shaded everywhere. 



Yes, it was good under SolidWorks 2015. I am unable to say where the problem came from. I simply restored my display options, reset the software and that's it. I found the visual of my surfaces even in shaded image mode.


Thank you all the same for your intervention.

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Well, we won't have the last word of the story. But as long as it works:)

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