Switch between configurations using custom properties

Hi all

I would try to switch from one config to another from the custom properties,
e.g. a "engine on the left" and "engine on the right" drop-down menu.
The goal would be to centralize all the changes in my assembly in the custom properties.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hello @slegere8

Happy to see you on the forum and to welcome you.

I hope that we can help you solve some problems, but also that we can benefit from your knowledge and experience.

Kind regards

PS: this message also makes a small UP because I'm surprised that you haven't had an answer yet

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No answer because maybe not feasible?
I don't see how a property will be able to drive the configurations.
Unless I'm wrong, which is possible.


Thank you for your answer,
I don't want to modify the configs but switch from one to the other, but no matter how hard I looked, I can't find anything.
So I think you're right.

The principle unfortunately goes the other way, you customize a config (right, left) and according to each config you customize the property and not the other way around.
Then, in an assembly, the desired configuration is chosen.

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No doubt a few screenshots so that we can " visualize " your request will make our task easier...
Here is my interpretation of your request:

In an assembly, you'd want to have this:

But here: (In the assembly)


All this with visibility on the configuration-specific properties visible in the custom properties, and that this activates the " graphic " toggle between these configurations???

Kind regards.


Thank you for your answer.
I would like, by checking the boxes on the right, or with the help of a drop-down menu, to switch from one config to another (engine on the right ==> engine on the left). The visual should change.
This would allow me to centralize all my info in the custom properties tab.
I don't know if I'm clear in my explanations. :sweat_smile:

Sorry I'm handing over the reins, I'm not used to this property editor.
However I don't think it's feasible, it's unlikely to add an interaction between the configuration change and this editor based on the properties...

Kind regards.

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Thank you as well as

Kind regards

I also think it's not feasible via properties.
After via macros but a bit more complex to implement.

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Maybe the Configuration Publisher can meet your needs:
See SolidWorks Help > Configuration Publisher

Indeed, changing a custom property value does not allow you to switch a config. to the other; or else by going through a macro with automatic triggering on the event... (if anyone has ever tried this kind of code...?)

On the other hand, the Configuration Publisher can do this kind of thing when inserting your assembly into another...


If you right-click on your toolbars, you'll have a little menu that's going to pop up and there you go to Toolbars and there you click on Configurations and you'll have access to all your configurations quickly.