Pb main window display



After closing the parts in SW2013. The main window (the model and the tree window) has disappeared and I have the windows window instead.

All sw toolbars are present.


I tried updating the graphics card drivers (I don't see why it would have changed by closing a room...): no change.

I tried replacing the registry key. Sw opens normally with its main window. But when I put my settings back , the window disappears again.



Is there a particular parameter in the registry corresponding to this window?


Or is there another solution?



Can you attach a screenshot?

Here is the screenshot.


Be careful because sw is around the lynkoa window!!

It's a new doc that has been opened here.


Can you close SolidWorks?

If not, use the Task Manager.

After restarting SolidWorks, does the bug come back?

SW closes without BP.

But after opening still the PB.

Even restarting the station.

It often happens to me when I have several windows open via Chrome on Win7

Just click in the SOLIDWORKS window and everything will go back to normal

it's the graphics card (so the proc) that is slipping


@+ ;-)

@gt22: even when I click on SW, I don't have anything that recovers.


All menus run normally, the pop-up menu appears.

SW opens the pieces (but does not display them).


I guess you tried after rebooting the machine?

you must have a video buffer that is disturbing (empty the memory)

closes everything only opens solid and tests

Then open the internet and see what it looks like

@+ ;-)

@Yves:  I tried before reboot when it happened by just closing SW. Machine reboot. Graphics driver update. Machine stop.


I'm still going to re-test you never know...

Well, the restart didn't change anything.


But I found a valid parameter file (from December 2103). But I didn't have to go through sw directly (tool/save restore settings) but not external "copy setting wizard". otherwise the window would not come back.


So the PB is solved. Thank you anyway for your answers.

Maybe gt22 is right with the video buffer...