Pb with SelectMateEntity Vs swSelEXTSKETCHPOINTS


I use this solidworks VBA routine to retrieve the entities contained in a constraint and it usually works pretty well.
The problem I encounter concerns the particular case where the constraint is of the Concentricity type between a cylinder and a sketch point.
By replacing swMateEnt.ReferenceType with swMateEnt.ReferenceType2, I can identify that SwMateEnt is of type swSelEXTSKETCHPOINTS however, I can't access select the object. Do you have an idea?

Thank you in advance.

Function SelectMateEntity(swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, swMateEnt As SldWorks.MateEntity2, nMark As Long) As Boolean

Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim swSelData As SldWorks.SelectData
Dim bRet As Boolean

Select Case swMateEnt.ReferenceType

    Case swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Point, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Line, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Circle, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Plane, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cylinder, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Sphere, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Cone, _

        Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
        Set swSelData = swSelMgr.CreateSelectData
        Set swEnt = swMateEnt.Reference

        swSelData.Mark = nMark

        bRet = swEnt.Select4(True, swSelData)

        SelectMateEntity = bRet

        Exit Function

    Case swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Set, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_MultipleSurface, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GenSurface, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_Ellipse, _
            swMateEntity2ReferenceType_GeneralCurve, _

    Case Else

End Select

SelectMateEntity = False

End Function