Pb composition equation


I created a model with equations that works well. When I make a sweeping composition, I add a suffix and I have errors in my equations.

A yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is next to equation in my tree and when I click on it for example edit, most equations have a red exclamation mark. On the other hand, all the modifications followed in my assembly.

What can you do to avoid this problem?

Hello, no solution, we can try to install the latest SP version, for 2012 it's SP5.

Edit: this is a known issue from the 2012 version...

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I looked for a walkthrough but no way.

Is there a way to copy my folder with all my assembly, paste it into another folder and change the file name one by one  and everything follows?

The best way is to modify the piece in the template, record it and then make a sweeping composition by adding a suffix.

However, I can't modify my part afterwards because the conditions to be respected with the equations  are not followed graphically but follow in the tree. What for?

Another remark, if I have a piece that I have repeated several times in my assembly and that appears in one of my equations, the suffix will be added x times (x repetition of the part) to the name of my dimension. The equation must be re-edited by removing the excess suffixes.

Software: Solidworks prenuim 2011 SP2.0

So, a priori no solution, as I indqued, it's a known bug.

You can try to create a macro to get around the problem, but it can be complicated...

Some ideas for a macro:





Or otherwise, a maro to modify the equations, a track here:



Too complicated for me! ;-)

I've never used a macro, I don't even know what it looks like.

I've noticed that some of my equations are read-only! Can it have an impact on my assembly graphically?