PB Hatch Thickness in an Area

Hi all

I have a small hatching problem, when I use "Hatched Area/Fill" the thickness of the hatch lines is too thick and it is impossible for me to modify them.

I tried with a layer, and then also to change the line weights from the settings, but it doesn't work.

Do you have a solution please?

Thank you in advance.



Is it on a cut?


Slt Gt22,

not in a closed sketch type area

a small image or better a simplified example of the problem so that we can regrit?


In the -> Document Property -> Line Font options.

In the list you have "Hatched Area / Fill", then you can change the thickness.


A priori it should work, unless it's for a single hatched area in particular.

Edit: Actually I just tried it and indeed it doesn't work :/ so I'd work more on a SW Bug (2016 SP3)

Here is an image attached to illustrate the problem.

KVuilleumier, I've already tried, and it doesn't work, I also think it must be a bug. But not only on the SP3 version, because on 2014 I had already tried to make a hatched area, it didn't work at the cost I also thought that it could come from a version bug and I had given up, but today I am the 2016 SP5 version and I have the same problem.



I didn't have this PB on 2014, and no problems with 2016 SP5


Check in the document in this order:

Line thickness

(often in companies its values are altered, or different from the standard, without anyone noticing... I redefined them compared to the DOT of the 2016 install, which seems correct to me:









Line Font

Visible Edge = 0.25

hatched area = 0.18


Then if these options are ok,

check that for the layers you are "According to the standard"

display the "Format Line" toolbar and then

do not select anything in the graphics area (Esc several times)

and check the "defaults" for:

Line Thickness

Line Style

color (brush icon) (bug warning: when you display the menu, it doesn't show if you were in default before, so you can click on the "Default"  and "ok" box again)


Note: often people use its icons without really understanding how it works, and alter the "default" ones by "specific choice", that's why for non-informed users, it's better not to display this toolbar!


Then if still problematic, select one entity at a time (the lines, the hatching), and look at the "Line Format" toolbar settings:

Selecting an entity in the graphics area, then clicking on "Line Thickness" or "Line Style" or "Color" normally "Default" should be stay selected.

Then do Esc, and select another entity to check...

Does this bug occur on all MEPs? (other format A4, A3, etc...)

It's annoying, my colleagues are the opposite, they are stuck on a thickness of 0.18 and I am 0.5. I've tried everything, and my line font settings are all set to 0.18 but it doesn't work (?).


Read my message above, and do steps 1 and 2 well in that order!


May the dark side be with you...

If you can, put a file so we can watch it