Pb equation SolidWorks



Is it possible to put an equation in an assembly that means:

if the ØA is < to 6, the ØB will be = to 14 and if the ØA is > to 6 but < to 8, the ØB will be  = to 17 and if the ØA is > to 8, the ØB will be = to 21


Thank you for helping me.



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Hello, it's possible on several lines:

Let us (for example):

EQ1 = if ( "DiamA" <6, 14 ,17)

"DiamB" = if ( "DiamA" >8, 21 , EQ1)


See this similar question:


Edit: correction


I still can't do it.


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What is diamA and diamB?

In the equation I wrote, EQ1 is only a temporary value, and I don't see anything like that in the attached image.

And why is there +2 at the end of the line?

In fact I have in my question ØA and ØB to explain the pb but the ØA corresponds to "Ø ext roue@Esquisse1@Pièce standard 5-link wheel. Part" and the ØB corresponds to "Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" in my drawing.

So we have to write:

1st equation:

EQ1 = if ( "Ø ext roue@Esquisse1@Pièce standard 5-link wheel. Part" <6:14,17)


2nd equation:

"Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" = if ( "Ø ext roue@Esquisse1@Pièce standard 5-link wheel. Part" >8, 21 , EQ1)



EQ1 is just a temporary value, but does not correspond to a dimension, and it is used in the 2nd only if B is less than 8.


The equations in the above message correspond to:

If "Ø ext roue@Esquisse1@Pièce standard 5-link wheel. Part"  is:

- less than 6 then "Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" = 14

- between 6 and 8 then "Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" = 17

-greater than 8 then "Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" = 21

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Perfect, it works!

Many thanks!!


I'm going to complicate things a bit ! :-)

I now want this setting to work, I want the center distance of the purple piece to follow the Ø ext of the purple room. That is to say:

When the Ø is = at 14, the centre distance is 5.5

When the Ø is = at 17, the centre distance is 7

When the Ø is = at 21, the centre distance is 9

How do you write that?


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Another question?

That's another question but on the same subject.


This question is marked as resolved, your second question is slightly different, I think it's better to open another one.