Pb equation


I am looking to write:

If the Øext = 14 then the center distance = 5.5

If the Øext = 17 then the centre distance = 7

If the Øext = 21 then the center distance = 9

in the form of an equation.




It should look like this (by default, if DIAMEXT is neither equal to 17 nor 21, the CENTER DISTANCE will be equal to 5.5):

EQ1 = if(DIAMEXT=17,7,5.5)


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I wrote: EQ1= (iif("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" = 17, 7, 5.5)) but it tells me that the equation is invalid.

The problem doesn't come from the double "i" in "iif"? And the 2 parenthesis games are probably not necessary:

EQ1 = if("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part"=17,7,5.5)

you should not put the Ø sign

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That's not where the problem comes from:


Even writing like you, I have a mistake. It's maybe the second  = he doesn't like.

I wrote:

"EQ3"= (iif("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part"<17,5.5,7))

"entraxe@Esquisse3@063.13.01.Part" =  ( iif("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part">17.9, "EQ3"))

But the Ø17 has the 7th spacing, the Ø21 has the 9th spacing but the Ø14 has the 7th spacing too.

Sorry I always see iif instead of if on the examples you write.

I found a solution that works. The only problem is when I update the 3D, I have to click 2 times on rebuild for the 5.5 center distance to update.

In my examples, I used = signs instead of >!

In addition, there is an error in your last example with "17,5.5,7", I wrote "17,7,5.5".

So with your values it should be:

EQ3 = if("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part"=17,7,5.5)

"entraxe@Esquisse3@063.13.01.Part"= if(ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part"=21.9,EQ3)

In SolidWorks 2011, I have to write iif for the equation to be correct. If I write if an error message appears: The syntax of the equation is not correct.



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I just saw that the equals sign = doesn't work and there's a trick. Normally, no need to rebuild 2 times (and the iif has been changed to if with only one i since SolidWorks 2012).

The equations will therefore be:

EQ3 = iif(not("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part")<>17,7,5.5)

"entraxe@Esquisse3@063.13.01.Part"= iif(not("Øext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part")<>21,9,EQ3)

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Your second equation doesn't work.

It works if I write like this:

EQ3 = iif(not("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part")<>17,7,5.5)

"entraxe@Esquisse3@063.13.01.Part" =  (iif("Ø ext@Esquisse1@063.13.01.Part" > 17, 9,"EQ3" ))

On the other hand, we have to rebuild twice.

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