Pb windows 7 explorer closing, SW milling in the void


I am on SW2016 - SP05

I often have the Windows Explorer that closes automatically, after QD I restart it, there are no more registrations in the Description column.

So, I restart my PC.

Then, it happens that SW gets lost, it seems to go into my network, because when I unplug my network, I manage to regain control.

In the system options, search paths, I have limited to the folders I use.

I limited the 'indexing option' in the Start menu, for now, I haven't seen a better one

So, if anyone has a solution to offer me

Thank you



I had PDF architect which made windows buggy. Since I uninstalled it it works perfectly. It's not sure if it's the same with you but it's a start...

Many possible avenues:
- my personal computer under W8.1, the explorer crashes regularly, I suspect a motherboard problem;
- network architecture problem (cable, hub,...);
- problem mentioned by AC Cobra of software running in the background (often to look for updates) that crashes or causes the crash by consuming too many resources.

I don't think indexing comes into play, knowing that it is done when the machine is not in use.

See this link



Thank you for your answers.

I have tried indexing, as well as your advice, the PB persists.

The guy from axemble took a look, for him all is Ok on SW and the environment around, graphics card and others.

Hello, can you try a re-installation or at least a repair of the software, sometimes its would have screwed up!?

Afterwards, not being next to you, it's hard to say which software is making a mess, because as much as Solid is doing very well!

Kind regards

The Pb comes not from SW, but from the network, with Windows not unloading the processes launched,

When you go to the Windows Task Manager, I have several SVCHOSTs, so one that reaches 320,000 K, a patch has been released by Microsoft.

Thank you for your help

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