PB Mass Affected


I have a problem with the affected mass, I have a machine with 2 packages of different masses in 2 configs. On each config, I have an assigned mass that works perfectly, on the other hand when I go through an assembly, the mass of these parts is no longer taken into account..... Hence the false mass and centre of inertia...

Has anyone ever encountered this problem? And how did he solve it?

Thank you.



It is possible that one of the pieces is in light, and therefore everything is in resolution.

Otherwise it may be an imported part that does not have a mass, and to which you have to define a mass manually.

In the latter case, the different components in the assembly must be selected and then the mass calculation must be used.



if you can and if you want to put the PRT and ASM in a ZIP file and put it in the post so that we can take a look at it unless you have already found the solution to the problem...


Sorry for the delay...

No solution, it would seem that we should not use the affected mass but change the density to reach the right mass.

Kind regards.