Pb reconstruction assemblage equation


When I rebuild my assembly (SW2019v4) after changing 1 or 2 parameters, I notice that despite restarting the reconstruction 2-3 times, some equations do not update. On the other hand, if I go to the offending part (which depends on parameters from other parts of the assembly) and I double click on the problematic equation (as if to rewrite or modify it), I see that its value is immediately updated.

I specify that I have checked the boxes "automatic reconstruction" and "automatic resolution order"

Would anyone know how to fix this problem please?

Thank you in advance

Kind regards

PS: unfortunately I won't be able to share the assembly causing the problem

Did you create this equation under sw2019 as well or is it from an old version?

Sometimes the old version is a problem, the solution is to delete the equation and then recreate it. works well.

And also be careful to have all the parts solved if the equation is linked to other parts


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Thank you for your answer. All my parts are in 2019v4 version.

What do you mean by "solved parts"?

The fact of switching to complex assembly does not change anything

@ sbadenis

After checking, I'm in resolved mode and not in light mode


When you say "rebuild", is it by the "traffic light" or by Ctrl-Q?


When I rebuild, it's by doing Ctrl+Alt+Q

It seems that there are quite a few equations so I'll lean towards a circular reference problem A->B, B-> C and C->A: in the end Solidworks is floundering in semolina. If there are green lights left in the tree after Ctrl + Q it is usually a sign that there is a problem of this kind.

Something that can advantageously replace the equations would be a pilot sketch (2D or 3D depending on the complexity) with possibly some plans. The parts are no longer controlled (or not only in any case) by equations but by functions such as extrusion to point or extrusion to surface.

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We are already trying to put all the variables in the same outline. There is no circular reference.

If there are no circular references it smells like a bug so -> hotline and with a bit of luck it will work better under SW 2035...

Do you use virtual parts or assemblies? Sometimes the names of virtual files are misnamed during copies and it keeps in memory the old ref. It can be quite heavy but saving everything locally, then recalculating via ctrl+Q, saving everything, then revirtualizing what needs to be virtualized could maybe solve your problem.