Pb Solidworks 2012


When I try to open my assembly, I get the message.

Thank you.





Do you have another copy of the file?

If not, can you try to make one?

And what happens when opening with Edrawings or SolidWorks Explorer?

What about a newer version of SolidWorks?

Try copying the assembly locally to try if the error occurs again.

If not: There is certainly a problem of the right of access to the file.

If so: try with another position.

See you...


Do you get the message??? What message?

Type the path it shows you in Windows Explorer, you'll see if you come across an existing file... =)

Problem with a recording? The file opened well before?


What does it say if you open it with eDrawing?


I can open it with an e-drawing and I have the following message: this document may be  obsolete because it has references that may have been updated.




Go to your open room window, and click on your assembly.


Then next to open, you have the references. See if everything matches.

Hello Bart,

I don't understand what you want to do.




In the solidworks options, try to enable the option (see PJ).

What's going on?


If eDrawing tells you that, it's because one of the pieces is in a state of rework, has lost its references or not solved for example.






The problem must be that the path to the assembly or to one of the components exceeds 255 characters, this is due to a Windows limitation.

If you make a copy on the desktop it works or not?

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I hadn't thought of it. not stupid! to dig into!

Hello gfache,


I put it on the desk and still nothing!





If on the desktop it doesn't change anything, I'm afraid of a proper lock-in of the file.


Your colleagues can't open it either?


Would you have a backup of the file?


Good luck!

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It may be that only part of the assembly is messing up.

If it is composed of subassemblies, you should try to open them one by one and open the main assembly afterwards.

I had the case once.

If I first opened one of the sub-assemblies it was fine.


I agree with @ Pascal

Attempts to open the parts and under assembly 

If you can recognize and open your sub-assemblies look at the types of constraints

Are you in light?

Were the parts and sub-assemblies created in-house?

If this is the case, open these control parts and re-register in part with a new ref 

if you have symmetries of parts or sketches

you have to skip the external refs and make them independent with their own refs


Stresses on a single fixed base part
-no loops in constraints
- no constraint on parts from repeat functions
- no advanced stress (symmetry, gearing...)
-No flexible set
-decomposition into sub-assemblies to reduce the number of first-level constraints (no set with 300 1st level pieces but a set with 10 sub-sets of 30 pieces)

- no component chain (3 or 4 max)

- Never a part with sketches or functions with external references

-one part is constrained in relation to only one other part (the basic one if possible) and not two


@+ ;-)


For me it is not a problem of the length of the path. on the example we don't exceed 150 characters... and in general the overflow does not prevent the opening but the registration and the error message and rather of the type "Invalid filename".


It is rather a corrupted file (one of the parts or the assembly itself)

The assembly should be opened in such a way that it does not find the parts (by moving the assembly and renaming the access to the parts)


If the assembly opens with the components in a deletion state, it is because it is a component that is corrupted, at this point you just have to cancel the deletion of the components one by one (by having given the starting name or by specifying the paths) and see which one will refuse to load.



First of all, a big thank you to  everyone.

In fact I solved my problem by restoring with the previous versions under XP because under windows 7 it didn't work.

Thank you again to all.



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