Pb use SW simulation - bending 2 "welded" walls

Hi all.

I explain my problem on SW simulation.

To simplify, I have 2 rooms in contact.

Different materials.


Under a vertical loading, I want to know the deflection of the A-assembly.

Hypothetically, the pieces are in perfect contact (solid).

On SW simulation, I first carried out a multi-body model.

For the contact between components, I selected "solid", I get a 2.6 mm arrow.

Then I perform the calculation in "no penetration" mode, I get 5. mm?

In 2-piece assembly mode, the same observation.

Why this difference between the "solidarity" and "no penetration" options???

The crushing of material 2 is negligible.

Thank you all



In no penetration mode I think you have to add "blockages" to be realistic, maybe the vertical part of room 1 behaves differently.

To find a draft explanation, put yourself on a strong scale in the results and animate them to see the difference.





In the "solid" version, the contact faces are considered completely fused. If you take "no penetration", it is a contact but the relative slip between the 2 surfaces is still possible. Basically, it's like if you stack 2 sheets of paper and put glue between the 2 or not.

So, in the first case, it's as if you had a single thicker block (therefore with more inertia) and it is logical that the deflection is less important.


Chamade has said it all! ;) +1


And yes, to better understand, you have to do like Coyote, go to the extreme to see the reaction