In the PLC manager, I use the channel addressing formula CHAN_TYP + ":" + COM_VAL1 + "." + CHAN_ADDR" which should be:
Type of channel (out/in): Position in the rack. Lane number (example: I:2.05 or I.05)
So I double-clicked on the component to open its properties, and configured it as seen in "capture1.png".
I also configured the manufacturer ref such as the "capture2.png", and associated my I/O to the PLC in the manager...
In the "capture3.png" you can see the result: it seems that there is a bug since instead of having "O:2.0" (e.g. for output 0 of card 2), I get "0:2.", "1:2.", "2:2." etc.... As if the type of track was replaced by the track number, and there was no track number entered...
If you are under maintenance, try to see with your dealer because I think there are not many people here who will be able to respond to such a problem which for me looks like a bug...
Hello, I had the same problem when I wanted to sort my bills of materials in ascending order under solidworks, the numbers 12542-00 and 12542-01 (for example) Solidworks sorted them in descending order while I specified the order I wanted. I talked about it to Axemble and apparently it comes from the use of dashes and commas. I was told that apart from changing the signs (replacing them with dots for example) would solve my problem, but in my case it would mean doing a colossal job.
Indeed I asked the question to the technical support axemble, I am waiting for their feedback on this subject.
As far as the "punctuation" symbols are concerned, it's not me who adds them but it's solidworks who offers this formatting, so it shouldn't be the problem...
On the other hand, I agree with you on the point that there would be improvements to be made so that SWE is more user-friendly to avoid sometimes a colossal work!
in fact the "automatic" formatting of the channels using the formulas still requires to fill in the "physical address" field of the manufacturer references (I.0, Q.6....).
Even when assigning a TOR input or output to a component, Solidworks will not fill in an "I" or a "Q" (CHAN_TYP) on its own, and the same is true for positioning (0,1,2...15) CHAN_ADDR.
In short, it takes quite a bit of work to get there...