PDM: Formula between Excel files in the vault


I want to create a database from Excel files in PDM.
There would be formulas between these files (VLOOKUP for example).

The question I ask myself is how do these links between files work when they are archived?
If I force " get the latest version " on these files, the formulas will follow if I open a file (only 1 file) or do I have to open all the files to update the values?

If not, with you an idea on how to make a database in PDM (with formulas between files that update)?

Thank you for your help


If I understood correctly, you will have at least 2 Excel files and the second one will look for values in the first one?
If this is the case, the operation should be quite similar to what a solidworks assembly does: when opening the file it will go and get the latest version (if your chest is set like this). On the other hand, the updates will only be done when the file is opened: Epdm will not update your file containing the vlookups on its own (like EPDM which does not update SW assemblies that use a modified part).

On the other hand I don't think that EPDM handles references inside Excel (I could be wrong on this point, I know that there is an installable add-in for Office, it may scan external references)).
If the Excel references are not managed by EPDM, the risk is that your file with the vlookup points to an Excel file in your local view and that it does not load the latest version.

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Never tested but maybe by linking the files (via the content tab then custom references)
Normally, if you manage like SW files by getting the version before opening, it should follow.


It is better to import them and transform them rather than putting formulas that reference cells from another file:


From there it is possible to manage the synchronization: when opening the file, or on request:

No problems with PDM working like this.
Note: my sources were in a folder whose content was always at the latest version and copied locally to users (see pdm settings cache option)

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