PDM Pro - shortcut files to another folder

I use PDM where I have PDF files that are filed in various folders.
I would like to create a single folder where I put the links/shortcuts to these PDF files, but without duplicating them, like a windows shortcut

I found "paste shared" but I have the impression that it makes a duplicate of the file and the versioning is independent between the two references

Thank you in advance for your enlightenment

Why not copy and paste your originals by pressing the " ALT " key on the keyboard?

Kind regards.


thanks for the trick but it doesn't work in PDM

Bah! Too bad...

Set scrHst = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set raccourci = scrHst.CreateShortcut(ChemSAV & RaccoucisName & ".lnk")
raccourci.WorkingDirectory = ChemSAV
raccourci.TargetPath = RaccCible

ChemSAV = Emplacement (Chemin complet) de vos nouveaux raccourcis
RaccoucisName = Le Nom de votre raccourcis
RaccCible = Le Chemin complet des cibles des raccourcis

Kind regards.

No, the versioning follows is the same file visible in different spaces of your vault.
So it has the same status and the same versions as the "copied" file, it is not a duplicate as such even if it is visible in the search.
As proof in our vault, it's the same file ID at the database level.

Thanks for the confirmation, I'll use this method then :slight_smile: