PDM: Automatic Daily Report


I want to extract a daily file from PDM for an ERP routine.csv
This extraction is ideally to be carried out automatically after the working day (around 8 p.m. for example) to retrieve information from the data card (revision/date/validator/reference, etc.) of the plans validated on the same day.

This file will be digested by the ERP and requires a very specific order of columns.
In manual mode, a custom search could do the trick. But it's a textbook!


  • Is there a way to schedule a search (with extract) on a daily basis via a task or other?
  • Is there a utility (in myPDMtool?) that can do this kind of extraction?
  • Develop a macro that runs automatically when changing state (dispacth or transition action) that would increment the necessary information from my data map into a csv file?

Obviously if I could avoid going through a development it will be better (and faster).

Thank you for your feedback


PDMGateway, which is now integrated into the MyPDMTOOL suite, is the gateway between PDM and your ERP.
I suggest you contact Visiativ for that.