[PDM] - Work locally + versions


I would like to know how you can work locally while being able to create versions.

As far as I know, versions are created once you archive and to archive you have to access the server. But what if you're not tied to the server ?

In the study phase, it is very practical to make use of the versions: how to do this in the next few days, or even weeks? Should you work outside PDM?

Thank you!



As you say, this is not linked to the server so no version is taken during the archiving.
I think the simplest solution is to work as if we had no EPDM.
I leave it to those who are used to working without PDM to give the best advice on how to manage documents.


I work from home daily, here's how I proceed:

  1. Extract from the EPDM database all the files you are going to work on (assemblies, parts, blueprints)
  2. Get all parent assembly files
  3. Go offline
  4. Work on previously  extracted files and save any changes (Ctrl +S )
  5. To archive your files in the database, get back online
  6. Archive in the EPDM database


Kind regards


Thank you.

I anticipate that I haven't had the opportunity to test yet, so for me all this remains in the realm of the hypothetical.

@Yannick: The problem I encounter is that it is impossible to obtain all library parts and trade parts (which are validated and therefore "untouchable"). Given that I am in the process of developing a study and I want to propose several solutions, in my case it would be a real plus to be able to exploit the advantage of the versions.

I think the most practical thing is to create a series of empty parts inserted into a random assembly, in order to "occupy" the timers you think you need (the timer without a server, I don't really believe in it), then to make a composition (maybe keeping the tree) and work without PDM. Then reintegrate the new files without having to redo the smarts.

Am I wrong? Thank you again.



In this procedure that explains how to use SOLIDWORS remotely, point 4 addresses the topic for PDM, if it can help you:



Have a nice day 

@ Clementine, the procedure is a bit short in explanation in point 4, because depending on the network it doesn't always work.

A tip I got this morning from VISIATIV support: 

in the hosts file which is located  "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" of the remote computer

added at the end the "IP address and connection name" of the server where PDM is located



# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host


# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

#::1 localhost"IP SERVER" "server name"


When in doubt, rebuild the pc


after a secure VPN connection + added local view via the PDM client app.... blah blah....... until completed 


For solidworks , borrowing a license allows you not to solicit the network for nothing.


Indeed, PDM issues are extremely complex depending on the case.

That's why it's best to contact our support experts.

Good luck to you!

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much, I'll try.

PS: for the "hosts" file normally it is not necessary to do a reboot.

Hi all

We've added the steps to follow regarding VPN for SOLIDWORKS PDM. Indeed, there is no "one-size-fits-all" procedure because each use depends on the VPN and its configuration. Instead, you can check with your IT department for the following:

  1. Configure VPN
  2. Declaring servers in the Windows hosts file: access the steps by clicking here 
  3. Open the ports in the Windows Firewall (TCP, UDP inbound and outbound):  access the steps by clicking here 

Have a good day everyone